About Easter 2018
Easter is the holiday celebrating the Resurrected Christ. From the low of bodily death at the Crucifixion, to the high of spiritual life in the Resurrection, Easter celebrates the triumph of Spirit over flesh, life over death, and God's Will over man's error.
Easter not only celebrates the Resurrected Christ, but also the hope for resurrected humanity. It is meant as a symbol of God's Covenant with man, that though fallen from Innocence and harmony with God's Will, and caught up in worldly ways, we can and will be restored to spiritual life.
April Fool's Day, in contrast, symbolizes the foolhardy state humanity has fallen prey to. It represents the foolish act of straying from the Divine Grace, Guidance, and Support of God's Way.
At the same time, April 1st is a traditional time of transition, marking the start of Nature's new growth season, and hence in days of old, the New Year. April Fool's Day has its origins in the age-old tradition of "renewal festivals," when virtually every culture around the globe celebrates the end of winter and return of spring. God's Nature resurrects Herself, rising from the dead of winter to budding new life. Such renewal marks an inversion of the previous order — death comes alive — inspiring the tradition of "foolery" to challenge accepted order. Thus is the day a perfect symbol of both the fall and resurrection of man. All the more so when it falls on Easter Day. Such a day is April 1, 2018. It is a symbol of both fallen and resurrected humanity, and a sign of spiritual awakening.
This sign and symbolism is part of the series of signs shown by Holy Spirit, in Her Revelation to the world about the coming global awakening. Easter 2018, coming as it does in the aftermath of Holy Spirit's Revelation to the world, has therefore been divinely ordained as the day for making public the Revelation.
Let Holy Spirit's signs, of which this Easter sacrifice is but one small part, inspire the world to spiritual awakening.