Veronica's Veil image          

Veronica's Veil
The Vera Icon (Latin) — "True Image" of Christ

Veronica's Veil, the ancient Christian relic forged at the Sixth Station of the Cross, when a woman now known as Saint Veronica wiped clean the Holy Face of Christ on His way to the Crucifixion — leaving His Divine Image upon her veil — is back.

Only this time, the Divine Image is in the form of a years-long series of signs by Holy Spirit, proving Christ and the Gospel of Christ, and the coming Kingdom of God. Together, they paint a picture of the Holy Face of God more Full, Perfect, and True than ever before.

It is a picture of wholeness, uniting the Children of God in experiential Communion with God. It reveals holistic Wisdom of God integrating the myriad diverse elements of God's good creation: East and West, Light and Dark, Good and "Evil," Spirit and matter, Spirit and flesh.

In Veronica's Veil, Holy Spirit has revealed Full Gospel to the world as preparation for the Kingdom of God.

Here is a peek at the proofs it contains:

  1. Proof of Christ
    1. Proof of Christ as 'Son of God'
    2. Proof of Divinity of Christ
    3. Proof of Christ the King
  2. Proof of the Gospel of Christ
    1. Proof of supersession of New Testament over Old Testament
    2. Proof of Archangel Gabriel's Annunciation
    3. Proof of the Immaculate Conception
    4. Proof of the Christ Birth story (First Advent)
    5. Proof of relation of Jesus and John the Baptist, and their mothers
    6. Proof of Baptism by John and Descent of Holy Spirit
    7. Proof of Jesus in the Temple (confounding elders)
    8. Proof of Christ healing
    9. Proof of the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
    10. Proof of the Crucifixion
    11. Proof of the Resurrection
    12. Proof of Christ the Savior, including specific proof of Christ's Atonement for and Intercession on behalf of fallen humanity
    13. Proof of the 'Second Coming'
    14. Proof of the Apocalypse
    15. Proof of Victory delivered by Archangel Michael (Revelation 12:7-9)
    16. Proof of the coming Kingdom of God
  3. Proof and meaning of Peter, Rock of the Church
  4. Proof and meaning of Veronica's Veil
  5. Proof of the Trinity Gospel
    1. Understanding that this Revelation of Veronica's Veil is the Self-Revelation of Holy Spirit, the third Divine Revelation, meant to fully reveal the Holy Trinity and usher in the Kingdom of God
      1. First Revelation — Old Testament, revealing the Father
      2. Second Revelation — Christ, the Son, as told in the New Testament
      3. Third Revelation — Holy Spirit, as told through signs confirming the first two revelations and the Divine Plan for the Kingdom of God
  6. Proof of the Gospel of Paul
  7. Proof of Holy Spirit
    1. Proof of Holy Spirit as God's Creative Will & Power
    2. Proof of Holy Spirit as the Divine Intelligence behind all phenomena of creation
    3. Proof of Holy Spirit as executor of the Divine Plan
    4. Proof of Holy Spirit as the Resurrector of souls, and agent of spiritual awakening
    5. Proof of the Healing Power of Holy Spirit — physical & spiritual — to Resurrect humanity in body & soul
  8. Proof of the Eastern experiential path of spiritual awakening
    1. Proof of Holy Spirit residing, mostly dormant, as Kundalini energy at our spiritual 'root' at the base of the spine
    2. Proof of Yoga practice as effective means to awaken Holy Spirit/Kundalini
    3. Proof of the 7-fold chakra system and spiritual practice based on it
    4. Proof of life after death, and reincarnation
    5. Proof of karma, the spiritual law of cause & effect
    6. Proof of the coming global spiritual awakening
  9. Proof of Krishna
    1. Proof of the path of experiential awakening (God-Realization), taught by Krishna
    2. Proof of Krishna, like Christ, offering Atonement for man
  10. Proof of Christ-Krista
    1. Proof of Christ and Krishna (also called Krista in India) as Dual Incarnations of the One God
    2. Understanding and proof of the spiritual Light and Dark — both Holy, embodied in the Biblical 'Alpha & Omega'
    3. Recognition of Christ, the Light, and Krishna (known as 'Dark' in India), even while both embody both Light and Dark
    4. Proof of Christ as 'Alpha & Omega' (Light & Dark)
    5. Proof of Krishna as teacher of yogic awakening from Dark to Light
  11. Proof of spiritual kinship of East & West
    1. Proof of Christ in India
    2. Proof that the Christian Holy Trinity and India's Trimurti (Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva) and Tridevi (Saraswati/Lakshmi/Parvati) are merely different conceptualizations of the One God, each appropriate to their culture
    3. Proof of equivalency of 'Kundalini awakening' and 'Baptism by Holy Spirit'
    4. Proof that Eastern experiential awakening and Christian faith are kindred spiritual paths
    5. Proof that Eastern experiential awakening will usher in the coming Kingdom of God
    6. Proof of the One True Church — the Jerusalem Church of Christ-Krista
    7. Proof that Christ-Krista will reign over the coming Kingdom of God as One
    8. Proof of Divine Will that inner experiential awakening be the foundation for external religious worship
  12. Proof of humanity as 'Sons (and Daughters) of Man', capable of rising to Christ-like 'Sons (and Daughters) of God'
    1. Specific proof that "fallen" humanity can regain its 'Edenic' state
    2. Proof of Divine Intent for humanity to do so through Eastern spiritual awakening
    3. Proof of spiritual partnership between God & man
    4. Proof of Divine Intent for humanity to prepare for the Kingdom of God
  13. Proof of the Divine Feminine
    1. Proof of the Divine Feminine as God's Nature
    2. Proof of the Eastern conception of 'Goddess' (aka "Shakti") as the same God's Nature
    3. Proof of Holy Spirit as the Divine Feminine, our 'Holy Mother' — Mother of Creation, Mother of All
    4. Specific proof of Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine, as the SAME "masculine" Holy Spirit in the New Testament
    5. Proof of Holy Spirit as 'Mother of God' (in the flesh)
    6. Proof of Mary as embodiment of Holy Spirit, 'Queen of Heaven', and Mother of God in the flesh (Christ)
    7. Proof of Holy Spirit as the 'Trinity Rose', and the Rosary as a meditative means of Communion with Her
    8. Proof of Holy Spirit — Divine Nature — as equivalent to 'Mother Nature'
      1. Proof of equivalency of Natural Law and God's Law (Divine Will)
        • Holy Spirit = God's Will = God's Nature = Mother Nature
      2. Proof natural evolution as the expression of God's Will and manifestation of the Divine Plan
      3. Proof of equivalency of 'Creation Science' and natural evolution, and compatibility of science and (true) religion
      4. Proof of 'Intelligent Design' as true Creation Science
      5. Proof of creation as Holy Spirit made manifest — the 'Body of God'
      6. Proof of Holy Spirit as both the 'High' and 'Low' of Nature, both Light and Dark (and everything in between)
        • Understanding of the 'Blessed Virgin' Mary and sensual Mary Magdalene together representing the dual nature of the Divine Feminine (more below)
        • Proof of the spiritual Dark ('Omega') embodied in the 'Black Madonna' icon
        • Understanding of the 'Low' or 'Dark' state of Holy Spirit as represented in the religious idea of the "Lost Bride of God"
      7. Proof of Holy Spirit as the 'Winged Serpent Goddess' responsible for both devolution and evolution in Nature (devolution = manifestation or "descent" of Spirit into matter; evolution = awakening of matter to Spirit)
        • Proof of this devolution and evolution as the spiritual 'Circle of Life'
        • Proof of experiential awakening as completion of the Circle of Life, and restoration of the soul to wholeness after our 'fall from Grace'
        • Proof of Holy Spirit as the Field of Nature in which humanity falls from Grace, such that She appears to have a lowly 'Serpent' Form, for which She is falsely judged in every way, including as the Biblical 'Beast' (#666) in the Book of Revelation, and the "Whore of Babylon"
        • Proof of Holy Spirit, in Her 'Winged' Form, working for the spiritual awakening — 'resurrection' — of mankind, individually & globally
        • Proof of Holy Spirit, in Her 'Winged' Form, triumphant in ushering in the Kingdom of God
        • Proof of Holy Spirit as 'Virgin' (Ever Pure & Stainless) regardless of Her apparent state
    9. Understanding of women as embodiments of the Divine Feminine, and equal in status to men
  14. Proof of the Eternal Sacred Union of God and His Nature (Goddess)
    1. Proof of God and Goddess as Eternally One, the SAME 'One God' of the Bible
    2. Proof of the Eternal Union of God and Goddess as the 'Sacred Marriage' (or 'Divine Marriage')
    3. Proof of human sexual relations as a mirror of the Sacred Union of God and Goddess
    4. Proof of sexual relations between Christ and Magdalene, meant as example of the Sacred Union of God and Goddess (thus completing the 'Marian' embodiment of the Divine Feminine — Mary the Mother of God, and Mary the Beloved of God)
    5. Proof of Christ-Magdalene offspring (daughter Sarah), mother/daughter journey to Occitania (southern France) after the Crucifixion, Sarah's modern veneration by the Roma people (gypsies, descended from India), and true meaning of the 'Holy Grail' and 'Bloodline of Christ'
    6. Proof of experiential awakening as 'Spiritual Union', a reflection of and participation in the Divine Marriage
    7. Proof of sacred sex as a valid and practical path to spiritual awakening
    8. Proof of Divine decree of sacred sex as a suitable path for the masses to usher in the Kingdom of God (with caveat)
    9. Proof of Divine acceptance of all sexual expression and forms of sacred erotica, and falsity of all sexual judgment and repression
    10. Proof of Divine acceptance of same-sex relations, alternative gender identities, and intersex bodily forms
  15. Proof of the essential Unity of God and His Nature — Divine Nature ('Goddess') is inseparable from the Divine Being ('God') just as human nature is inseparable from human beings
    1. Proof of the distinguished terms "God" & "Goddess" as simply a new Revelation — unveiling — of the same 'One God' of the Bible, a distinction between God Himself and His Will
    2. Proof of Divine acceptance to see either 'One God' or 'God & Goddess in Eternal Sacred Union'
    3. Proof of God as entirely Uncreated, if we choose to view Him that way
    4. Proof of God as both Manifest and Unmanifest, if we choose to view Him that way
    5. Proof of Goddess as "distinct" from God (intellectually), if we choose to view Her that way
    6. Proof of Goddess as an illusion (called 'Maya' in India), if we choose to view Her that way
    7. Specific proof of these as merely spiritual "points of view"
    8. Proof that Holy Spirit's Self-Revelation (as 'Goddess' "distinct" from God) is to make known Her Role in ushering in the Kingdom of God, and to clarify human connection with the Divine, so that we may play our role in the same
  16. Proof of equivalency of 'God's Will' and the Eastern concept of 'Dharma' (Natural Law or Nature's Way)
    1. Proof of God dwelling in the heart, guiding each and every soul through innocent desire, by His Holy Spirit
    2. Proof that following Dharma equates with Divine Service, obeying the Will of God
    3. Proof that following Dharma results in all good, confers spiritual blessings (Divine aid in all endeavors), and leads to experiential awakening (Divine Communion)
    4. Proof that not following Dharma results in all problems and suffering, dooms efforts to ultimate failure, and blocks spiritual awakening
    5. Proof that preparing for the Kingdom of God fulfills the spiritual ideals of Divine Service and Dharma, conferring the fullest awakening and Highest Grace, and therefore ought be the endeavor of every human soul, according to their God-given nature.
  17. Proof of flaws and errors in some areas of Eastern and Western spiritual practice
    1. Proof of error in the Eastern practice of chasing supernatural powers (e.g. through 'sidhis' or the 'Third Eye')
    2. Understanding of the rightful place of Buddhism in the context of Eastern experiential practice
    3. Proof of error in the splintering of Christ's Church
    4. Resolution of errors in Church theology (both Catholic and Protestant), plus resolution of major disputes of the Protestant Reformation
    5. Resolution of the 'Great Schism' between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church (1054 AD)
    6. Proof of error in Catholic Church polity (and most other denominations as well), plus proof of ideal church structure
  18. Proof of error in contemporary moral views, including religious
    1. Proof that 'righteousness in the eyes of God' lies in following one's God-given nature innocently, without judgment, to its natural fulfillment in God-Realization through that expression of Nature, not in adhering to prudish codes of conduct
    2. Proof that Divine Service constitutes following inner desires of the heart, not external religious codes
    3. Proof that self-denial is Self-denial — denial of Divine Nature
    4. Proof that sensory thirst is a surrogate for spiritual hunger, to be quenched by spiritual awakening, not gratified as an end in itself
    5. Proof that sensory gratification is neither inherently 'good' nor 'sinful', but rather spiritually neutral, dependent on whether it is used as a means to spiritual awakening (or is an innocent expression of that state)
    6. Proof of the 'myth of evil' — that all is God's Work through His Holy Spirit, both Light & Dark, High & Low, Evolution & Devolution — and that the Dark is not to be judged or condemned, but rather understood, illumined with Truth, and transformed into a stepping stone to Light; awakening evolves out of an unawakened state
      1. Proof that sensory enjoyment, in the context of spiritual awakening (i.e. as a means to or expression of) is good in the eyes of God, and a celebration of Spirit in the flesh
      2. Proof that sensory gratification, on its own, outside the context of spiritual awakening, is vain and empty desire that leads to downfall and suffering for the soul
      3. The spiritual response to Darkness (what we commonly call "evil") is to illumine it with Truth & Light
      4. Fighting Darkness is valid only as a last resort in self-defense, in which case it is the only true 'holy war'
    7. Proof of Divine enjoyment of, involvement in, and expression through human sexuality
    8. Proof of Divine acceptance of "dirty" sex (it is humans who judge it "dirty")
    9. Proof of Divine acceptance of "dirty" language (humans judge it "dirty")
    10. Proof of Divine enjoyment of and involvement in sport, celebrity, and other "mundane" human affairs
    11. Proof of Divine sense of humor
  19. Proof of Divine Sanction of the human ideal of Liberty & Justice for all
    1. Proof of Divine Sanction of universal natural rights for all
    2. Proof of Divine Sanction for political and economic freedom (rights-based society and capitalist free market)
    3. Understanding of Liberty & Justice as Divine Ideals, how to apply them for ideal society, and how this constitutes enshrining God's Will on Earth (i.e. building a foundation for the Kingdom of God)
    4. Resolution of the liberal/conservative political divide in every culture
    5. Revelation of an ideal system of government for peaceful, prosperous, thriving society
    6. Proof of Divine Desire for racial harmony and support for natural civil rights
    7. Proof of Divine Sanction for freedom of religion (and even secular views on the path to awakening)
    8. Proof of America's ordained role in promoting Liberty & Justice
    9. Proof of America's role in the global awakening to Christ, and ushering in the Kingdom of God
  20. Resolution, in the form of proofs, of the conflict between Islam & the West
    1. Proof of the falsity of violent Islamic jihad
    2. Proof regarding veracity of the Qur'an
    3. Proof of truth and falsehood on both sides of the conflict
    4. Proof of an 'ideal' model for relations
  21. Proof of the Divine Plan to physically rebuild our world according to spiritual design

Each proof is verified by multiple signs.

Explore the Signs

What Holy Spirit wants to prepare for the Kingdom of God

About the receiver of the Revelation

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