Proof of Christ*Krishna & the coming Kingdom of God

Veronica's Veil
Signs of the Times revealing the 'True Image' — Vera Icon (Latin) — of Christ

"And I will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit, to be with you forever."

— John 14:16

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 
Howbeit when Holy Spirit comes, he will guide you into all truth;
for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and will show you things to come. 
He shall glorify me; for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you."

— John 16:12-14

Let it be known that on Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018, this Scripture is fulfilled.
Let also the symbolism of the day be known — Easter Sunday, April Fool's Day: Holy Spirit resurrecting fallen ("foolish") humanity.

Holy Spirit, as promised by Christ (John 14:16), has come to Resurrect mankind, and to usher in the Kingdom of God.

While Holy Spirit is ever with us, fallen humanity, with neither "eyes to see, nor ears to hear" (Matthew 13:13), has failed to see it. Nevertheless, Holy Spirit has been ceaselessly laying the groundwork and forging the foundation for the Kingdom of God.

Now, in these End Times, Holy Spirit is fully revealed. Holy Spirit has shown public signs proving Divine Presence, the Gospel of Christ, experiential Communion (as taught in enlightenment traditions of the East), the coming Kingdom of God, and Holy Spirit's own Work over the millennia forging the foundation for it all.

This full Self-Revelation of Holy Spirit completes the Trinity Revelation, consummating that of the Holy Father (Old Testament) and Begotten Son (New Testament). Now Holy Spirit reveals Herself as our Holy Mother, God's very own Nature — "Mother Nature," the Divine Feminine. In the most natural, evolutionary way, She has worked through human nature on Earth, to bring fruition to the Divine Plan in the Kingdom of God.

See Divine Intelligence — Holy Spirit — orchestrating global Resurrection.

See the spiritual signs in, and meaning of, current and historical events:

(Each sign reveals highly specific detail and deeply meaningful symbolism. No one sign tells the whole story, and no one sign is definitive proof. But ALL the signs taken together, numbering in the hundreds, do tell the story of Christ, Krishna, and the coming Kingdom of God. Main points are verified by multiple signs, as many as 20 or more, in mystifying detail, interwoven in such an astounding way that no rational mind can dismiss or refute them. Let the testimony of Holy Spirit be weighed in the court of public opinion, and let free souls choose action accordingly.)

Recent & other Modern-day:


And many, many more....

Whosoever studies, reads, and writes of this Revelation of Holy Spirit, shall receive blessings of Holy Spirit.
So revealed Holy Spirit on February 14, 2018 — St. Valentine's Day — in Divine Love for suffering humanity.

This Revelation is fulfilled on Easter Sunday, 2018

About Easter, 2018

What Holy Spirit wants to prepare for the Kingdom of God

About the receiver of the Revelation

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