
Proof of Christ*Krishna & the coming Kingdom of God

Welcome to the remarkable, true story of a "nice Jewish boy," not even particularly religious, who embarks in youth on a journey of spiritual meditation in the Yoga tradition of India. After years of monkish retreat, he is blessed by a rapturous awakening — Spiritual Communion — flooded by Christ-like healing energy.

From that day on, a Higher Power guides him through various studies and works, revealing signs of Divine Presence & Support along the way, through Spiritual Light and a Dark Night of the Soul, as though preparing him for future purpose, and hinting at events to come. For 25 years he is led, never fully knowing the Divine Purpose, or even if his experience is True Spirit.

Then comes a cascade of Revelation, evidenced by objective, verifiable signs — meant as a message for the world — showing Proof of Christ & Krishna (also known as 'Krista' in India), and the coming Kingdom of God. And a calling to share the story with the world.

This Revelation is now made public for a global audience.
It confirms, beyond all shadow of doubt, the Gospel of Christ and the Yoga of Krishna, and reveals God's Plan for the coming Kingdom of Heaven. It revives ancient spiritual science to enlighten the world about life in harmony with God's Will, fulfilling the Jeremiah Covenant, and India's Vedic Ideal, which will guide life in the Kingdom of God:

"I will put my law in them, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
— Jeremiah 31:33

Supreme Perfection comes to all who devote themselves to their natural God-given work — Dharma.
— Bhagavad Gita 18.45 (paraphrased)

The Revelation also:

♦  includes teaching for every soul to come into Personal Communion with God, and thus naturally live according to His Will;
♦  shows how Holy Spirit guides & supports such life daily;
♦  resolves divisive religious issues of our day;
♦  heals religious strife in the world, and schism within the Church;
♦  brings East & West together as global family and children of God;
♦  includes special revelations about America's role in the world as a beacon of spiritual and material freedom.

Key to the Revelation are a long series of public signs orchestrated by Holy Spirit, so self-evident in spiritual intent, so manifest in meaning and precise in nuance, so supernaturally synced, that they constitute objective and verifiable scientific proof, unmistakable and indisputable, of the existence of God and His Divine Plan to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The mesh of signs, meticulously woven and masterfully detailed, including many embedded in recent and historic global events, lives of prominent public figures, and even written on the global map, show Holy Spirit's long-held and global plan for the Kingdom of God, and affirm Divine Natural Law to reign in that Kingdom.

This Revelation will change the way humanity sees, conceives, lives, and worships God for the New Millennium, and will usher in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This bold vision rises not from human will, but rather rests on the surety of Holy Spirit's Revelation, and the signs that prove it to the world. Though given voice here by human hand, the Revelation is the Work of the Divine Hand of Holy Spirit.

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